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Why is it difficult to air transport powder?

Return list source:Xinjian Logistics Release date: 2023.02.22

Difficulties in powder transportation

Due to the difficulty in determining the product properties of powdered goods, which can easily be mixed with hazardous substances, and in high-density and high-pressure environments, powder can explode when exposed to open flames, which limits many shipping channels.

How to air transport powdered goods to foreign countries?

Powder belongs to a relatively special category and is a sensitive cargo in international express delivery. However, it cannot be transported and can still be transported by air if it meets packaging and aviation requirements.

Generally, international express delivery of powder requires a testing report from an appraisal agency to prove that it does not belong to hazardous powder goods before air freight can be carried out.

Precautions for Air Transport of Powder Goods

1. The packaging of powdered goods should prevent leakage, so when packaging such products, plastic bags should be used to seal the outer layer of the product to ensure that the goods are not damaged, lost, or leaked during transportation, and to ensure transportation safety

2. Before mailing, it is necessary to ensure that the recipient's information is as detailed and accurate as possible to avoid unnecessary risk of loss.


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