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Some Transportation Knowledge of International Air Transport of Dangerous Goods

Return list source:Xinjian Logistics Release date: 2022.12.05

Dangerous goods should be transported by air with extreme caution. If one is not careful, it may lead to major disasters. In mid to late November last year, some logistics companies reported that dangerous goods had caused a flight fire. Therefore, not all dangerous goods can be transported by air. Some dangerous goods are absolutely prohibited by air freight companies. Below, let's popularize the basic knowledge about international transportation of dangerous goods by air.

The air transportation of dangerous goods began almost simultaneously with commercial air operations. Just from unconsciousness to consciousness, from disorder to order, from management negligence to tight organization, from enterprise self-management to legal management worldwide. During this period, it has gone through decades of development.

In the 1950s, the Civil Aviation Administration of China formulated the Provisional Regulations on the Carriage of Dangerous Goods and the Regulations on the Transport of Radioactive Substances for this purpose; In the 1960s, in order to ensure the safety of air transportation, according to instructions from superiors, it was stipulated that all civil aviation passenger and cargo flights would not carry chemical hazardous materials and radioactive isotopes. However, the significant increase in social demand prompted the government to lift the ban; In the 1970s, the Civil Aviation Administration of China resumed the transportation of radioactive isotopes and formulated the "Regulations on the Transport of Radioisotopes by Air", implementing the "Regulations on the Transport of Chemical Substances".

However, there are still problems with the transportation of dangerous goods by air in our country. The laws and regulations related to the transportation of dangerous goods by air are applicable to Annex 18 of the Chicago Convention and the Technical Guidelines for the Safe Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Air. However, the details of the transportation of dangerous goods cannot be specified in detail. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a specialized regulation with operational guidance to strengthen legal management.

Firstly, the shipper is responsible for the classification, packaging, and ground transportation of hazardous materials; Secondly, the agent is responsible for the identification of ordinary goods and dangerous goods, as well as the inspection of transportation documents; Then the carrier is responsible for the collection, loading and unloading, warehousing, and loading management of hazardous materials.

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