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2021 Top 30 Chinese Urban Competitiveness Released! Three cities in Taiwan Province are listed, with Taipei ranking seventh!

Return list source:Xinjian Logistics Release date: 2021.11.09

In 2021, China's economy tends to steadily rise despite the basic stable control of the epidemic. Towards the end of 2021, economic data from various provinces and cities have also been released one after another. Through various published data, comprehensive competitiveness reports for each city have also been released. Today, let's take a look at the top 30 list of urban comprehensive competitiveness.


Shanghai returns to first place, Shenzhen and Hong Kong drop by one place, while Beijing's ranking remains unchanged

In the latest list of urban competitiveness, the top five cities are Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Beijing, and Guangzhou, which are also the five strongest cities in China at present. Overall, the top five cities have strong overall strength, with a significant gap compared to other cities, and the first tier cities are very stable. Shanghai has returned to the first place this year. As the economic center of China, Shanghai will rank first in all indicators in 2021 and become the bridgehead of our city again.

Jiangsu ranks in the top ten among the three cities, and Suzhou, a prefecture level city, is stronger than multiple provincial capitals

Each city in Jiangsu is known as the "Thirteen Taibao", and the economic development of each city in the province is very sufficient. As the only prefecture level city with a GDP of over 2 trillion, Suzhou ranks sixth in comprehensive competitiveness, surpassing the provincial capital Nanjing and all provincial capital cities except Guangzhou. Nanjing and Wuxi are the other two cities listed in Jiangsu, with Nanjing ranking eighth and Wuxi ranking tenth.

Nanjing has a very special position in Jiangsu. Although it is not the strongest in terms of economic strength, it still ranks first in fields such as electronic technology and software. As an emerging manufacturing city, Wuxi has achieved rapid economic development relying on its geographical advantage near Shanghai.

Taiwan's three cities are listed, with Taipei ranking seventh and its strength remains strong

From the 1990s to the beginning of this century, Taipei was the city with the strongest comprehensive strength in the Greater China region. As the capital of Taiwan, one of the "Four Asian Dragons", Taipei's economy has developed rapidly in the 1980s and 1990s, and Taiwan is also a developed economy recognized by the United Nations. Taipei has a strong foundation in the technology and manufacturing industries. Even in today's overall decline of Taiwan's economy, the technology and manufacturing industries still contribute a large amount of GDP. Taipei ranks seventh overall, still surpassing many mainland provincial capitals.

Kaohsiung and Taichung are ranked 22nd and 29th respectively. Kaohsiung Port is the largest port in southern Taiwan and used to be the first port in China. However, with the rise of ports such as Shanghai Port and Shenzhen Port in mainland China, Kaohsiung Port is no longer as brave as before. As a port city, Kaohsiung has relatively developed foreign trade. However, in recent years, Kaohsiung's GDP has been surpassed by Taichung. However, in terms of overall strength, Kaohsiung is still the second city in Taiwan. Taichung City is an emerging economic city in Taiwan Province, and the establishment of new urban built-up areas has made Taichung the area with the greatest difference in overall architectural style compared to other cities in Taiwan.

Macau ranks 15th, closely following Hangzhou and Chengdu to enter the third tier

Macau has a land area of only 32.9 square kilometers and is a city that relies on large-scale land reclamation. However, in the ranking of urban competitiveness, Macau ranks 15th, closely following Hangzhou, Chengdu, Ningbo, and Foshan. The urban competitiveness surpasses that of cities with vast geographical areas such as Changsha, Dongguan, and Qingdao. Macau's financial and service industries are the biggest support for its economy, with a high level of per capita wealth and strong overall strength.

The ranking changes the most from 16th to 30th, with Chongqing only ranking 28th

Cities ranked 16-30 are also the cities with the greatest changes in overall strength. As one of the "twin cities" in the southwest region, Chongqing only ranks 28th. Chongqing has a vast geographical area and a high degree of urban modernization. It is currently an important core city in the southwest urban agglomeration. However, in this year's ranking, Chongqing only ranks 28th and urgently needs to be improved.

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