Xinjian Logistics

Dedicated International Freight·Xinjian Freight More favorable price, faster time, more professional service


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Delivery process Delivery process
  • Shipping process
    Shipping process

    1. Before confirming delivery with the customer, the business requires the customer to provide invoice, value, product name, quantity, delivery address, etc;

    2. Open an account for the customer and create a customer code (the customer code can be written on the outer box of the goods for easy storage);

    3. After the goods arrive at the Xinjian warehouse and are stored, the tracking number and CR number of the goods will be generated (each goods in the company will be coded separately);

    4. The system checks the shipping option. The goods are picked, packaged, and packed by warehouse personnel and sent to the Hong Kong warehouse for standby operation by our company's staff;

    5. Aircraft takeoff location;

    6. Upon arrival at the destination, our customs clearance personnel will clear the customs and deliver the goods to the destination warehouse.

  • matters needing attention
    matters needing attention

    Before delivery, foreign customer service will contact the recipient to confirm if the phone number and address are correct. If there is no error, delivery will begin. If there is an error, the recipient's address and contact information will be confirmed again.

    1. The business needs to verify with the customer whether the receiving information of each shipment is the same recipient. If not, the sender needs to be reminded to ship separately before shipment or mark the goods on the outer box for the warehouse personnel to receive them separately.

    2. Before entering the warehouse, the warehouse personnel will open the box and inspect whether the goods are consistent with the customer's description. If it is, it will be stored in the warehouse. Otherwise, wait for the latest information from the customer.

    3. Before delivery, the business needs to verify the delivery address information again and notify the overseas delivery.

common·problem common problem
  • Difficulties in powder transportation?

    Due to the difficulty in determining the product properties of powdered goods, which can easily be mixed with hazardous substances, and in high-density and high-pressure environments, powder can explode when exposed to open flames, which limits many shipping channels.

  • Precautions for Air Transport of Powder Goods

    The packaging of powdered goods should prevent leakage, so when packaging such products, plastic bags should be used to seal the outer layer of the product to ensure that the goods are not damaged, lost, or leaked during transportation, and to ensure transportation safety

  • Billable weight of light and heavy cargo by air freight

    The so-called chargeable weight refers to the quantity of goods used to calculate freight. The chargeable weight of air freight includes light cargo and heavy cargo, and the chargeable weight of these two types of goods is different.