Xinjian Logistics

Dedicated International Freight·Xinjian Freight More favorable price, faster time, more professional service


Enquiry line:13829714243

Malaysia special line

effectiveness for a given period of time:3-5 days
Types of acceptable goods:General brand goods with built-in/supporting batteries, electronic products, electronic atomizers, etc

What is Malaysia consolidation

Malaysian customers purchase goods from online stores such as Taobao, Tmall, Paipai, Amazon, Dangdang,, and Suning in China, and then send the goods to Xinjian's centralized warehouse. Afterwards, Xinjian packages one or more goods according to the customer's requirements and transports them to Malaysia, which is called Malaysia's centralized transportation.


Xinjian Jiyun is a flatter, faster, and more caring expert in collecting and purchasing goods

Specially designed to provide inexpensive and convenient shipping/purchasing services for friends who frequently shop online.

You can send the goods you bought in Chinese Mainland to our warehouse. After the goods are assembled, they will be sent to your address in Malaysia or our self delivery center as soon as possible according to your instructions and requirements, so as to deliver the goods to you in the shortest time.

Xinjian Jiyun Service Content:

Xinjian Transport is a new generation of professional Malaysian transport platform (Taobao Transport), which is the largest and strongest Malaysian transport company in China. Xinjian Jiyun can help major e-commerce sellers in mainland China easily transport their goods to Malaysia for delivery, reducing shipping costs through Jiyun, thereby attracting more Malaysian buyers and significantly increasing sellers' sales and revenue. Malaysia can also assist Malaysian buyers in shipping the goods they purchase from major e-commerce websites in mainland China to Malaysia, reducing shipping costs and maximizing savings for Malaysian citizens.

Advantages of Xinjian Jiyun

Xinjian Jiyun can transport goods from major e-commerce platforms in mainland China (such as Taobao, Tmall, Paipai, Amazon, Dangdang,, Suning, etc.) to Malaysia, reducing shipping costs and benefiting both mainland sellers and Malaysian buyers.

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